Iys is intelligent, loyal, lovable and very tolerant but one thing she is NOT is a cattle dog. When NP first brought Abby and his first bottle calves home, he had visions of training Iys to help ‘work’ the calves. However, Iys was not interested and was in fact even scared of them – skirting cow pens whenever possible. Which was probably wise because Abby isn’t terribly friendly towards dogs – chasing them whenever she gets the chance!
Besides cows, Iys also has a long standing fear of thunder. One night during chores we learned which fear was stronger! That particular day had been stormy looking but it didn’t really start thundering and raining until we were down in the barn so like usual, Iys was in the barn with us. That particular night, I had the pleasure of milking Abby and all of a sudden I heard a big ka-boom! And before I could even tell what was happening, Iys was huddled underneath Abby and as close to me as she could get! Turns out Abby was the lesser of the two evils! |