So, since this is our 1st go at starting our veggies indoors, we’re sure to learn a lot along the way!
Our system is NOT fancy. But, it does incorporate values that are important to us here at Brun Ko Farm like sustainability, efficiency, and frugality (frugality is a word-I looked it up!).
Remember, that I said one of the things we value is efficiency? It could be argued that making newspaper pots is not efficient because it takes a lot of time. But really, it didn’t take that much time once I got a rhythm down. Also, we made them over the winter while tending the woodstove so it didn’t feel like wasted time. We were tending the stove (getting warm!) and creating a useful product and recycling all at the same time! Also, it will save time and stress on the plant when we can transplant them directly into the ground this Spring without disturbing the roots when we take them out of plastic trays. And then there’s the $$ it saves …. :)
Our first ‘lesson’ so far was dealing with white mold growing in the seedlings. To help keep the seeds damp for germination, I covered the containers with plastic wrap to help hold in moisture. Once the seedlings all poked through the soil, I removed the plastic wrap to find white mold growing in addition to the seedlings! Air circulation seems to be the answer to this problem though and the mold has fizzled out since I removed the plastic wrap cover.
Currently, we have broccoli, a variety of peppers and pansies poking through. I couldn’t resist starting some flowers while we were at it! :)
And I bet ya thought this was going to be about green beer ;) Happy Saint Patty’s Day all!!
Brun Ko Farm