We borrowed a hand crank honey extractor from a friend and turned it into a family affair with my parents pitching in with supper and some arm muscles ;) Before we could put the frames in the extractor, NP had to 'uncap' the honey comb using a sharp knife. With that step complete we were ready to start spinning!
The extractor is basically just a centrifuge. It holds 3 frames at a time and as you crank on the handle, the frames spin and the honey flies out of the honeycomb and drains to the bottom of the canister. From there it flows into a bucket with a filter to help remove any bee’s wax or debris. With just 1 super (8 frames) to harvest, it went pretty quick and I didn’t hear any complaints about sore arms the next day!
NP filtered the honey twice and filled the jars. Isn’t that beautiful?! Now to get some labels made up and we’ll be in the honey business ;)
Brun Ko Farm