All of that energy is hard to channel though and when we don’t have enough work for Piper to do, her extra energy and inherent curiosity can really get her in trouble!
I tend to be pretty hard on Piper, but as I am writing this, NP is gone on a business trip (he will be back before it is published) and I have to admit that Piper is kinda nice to have around …
Piper also provides us with a great source of entertainment. She has really been enjoying this snow! When you watch her go bounding and jumping through it - you can see how much fun she is having! In the warmer months, she loves to play in the water. She also enjoys ‘herding’ chickens. Bear in mind, she would much rather be eating them but so long as we are around, she knows she mustn't! So, she contents herself with attempts at herding them and it is quite the show!
Piper is a young dog and I expect she will be with us for many years to come. Keep on following along here and on FB to see what she learns and how she continues to help us out on the farm!
Brun Ko Farm
To learn about more of our herd, check out the “Meet Our Herd” posts on our blog index!